
Welcome to the third "Quantum Matter Bordeaux" meeting !

--- The registration deadline is extended until January 22nd ---

This event will be held in the auditorium of the "Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal" (CRPP) on Thursday January 26th.

Our goal is to bring together the local community of scientists working on quantum matter across all fields: chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, engineering ... This meeting is a platform to discuss the latest results, and to create opportunities for new projects and collaborations.

There are no registration fees, and this meeting is open to everyone: students, postdocs, engineers, researchers ... We simply ask participants to please register via the online form (on the left). Deadline for registration has been extended to January 22nd (we have many latecomers :)

For more informations about QMBx (future events, fundings ...), please check our website. QMBx is funded by the Department of Material and Light Science

Looking forward to seeing you soon !



Registration deadline
January 22, 2023

January 26, 2023

CRPP (Pessac)


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